You belong here just as much as anyone else.


The Ranfone Performance Consulting Program is based on Founder & President Michael Ranfone’s philosophies and experience as a successful athletic performance coach and consultant for 15+ years. 

The Program is a RESULTS GUARANTEED customized training program with a sharp focus on coaching, accountability, and biochemistry. Your blood, DNA, and lifestyle habits are a goldmine of data. Together, they’re a snapshot of your body: they tell you what’s going right, and what’s not working. They are tools that help advise you on how to achieve your goals.

Successful applicants to the Program will undergo an initial screening and onboarding process that includes goal setting, movement competency evaluation, medical history, and much more. We tailor each individual Program to ensure that you achieve success.  

We use a multi-faceted approach to obtaining YOUR results: 

  • Identifying the factors that have been holding you back.

  • Regular and consistent tracking, feedback, and coaching check-ins.

  • Tailoring program variables on a weekly basis based on how you’re responding.

  • Analyzing your blood, your DNA, your lifestyle, and your nutrition habits.

  • Offering evidence-based scientific solutions that are simple, clear, and actionable.

Fitness is more than just following a program and committing to working out. When it comes to understanding what is going on inside your body, your blood and DNA are a powerful one-two punch. Your blood data is dynamic, changing over time with various inputs ranging from your environmental exposure and dietary choices to your sleep and stress levels. When analyzed together, your blood and DNA will help steer personalized guidance, generated by our partnership with the InsideTracker platform, and providing a major advantage in helping you reach your overall fitness and wellness goals. 

The foundation of the Program is ACCOUNTABILITY. It’s our job to hold you accountable for the Path that you’ve chosen. Although motivation is a huge part of the process, it often wanes before new behaviors have taken hold. You need some “skin in the game” to make the Program stick, and that’s where we come in. 

By hiring Ranfone Performance Consulting, you are investing money, time, and effort into improving yourself. Physical fitness and overall wellness will no longer be an empty promise you’ve made to yourself that can be rescinded without consequences. It’s time to DELIVER, and we will be there every step of the way to call you out and lend the support needed to keep you on the Path to becoming the best version of yourself.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.